5 Ways to Become a Millionaire in 2023

Most people want to be millionaires at some point in their lives, if not sooner than later. But how do you go about it? More specifically, what can you do now to help ensure that you will be a millionaire by 2023? The truth is, it really depends on how much money you want to make in 2023 and how hard you are willing to work to get there. While becoming a millionaire in 2023 may be difficult or impossible, the steps below will ensure that your chances of becoming one increase significantly.

Start Now

Start small, but start now. Too many people think that they need to wait for the perfect time and all of their ducks are lined up before they can take action and make money. The truth is that as long as you're willing to work hard, there's no waiting period. You can become rich tomorrow if you wanted to; it just might not be easy. As one of the richest men in history said, The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is today.

Wholesaling Real Estate

I'm going to help you take the first step towards becoming a millionaire with this simple idea. It's called wholesaling real estate, and it involves purchasing property below market value getting them under contract and quickly turning around and reselling for a small or large profit margin depending on the deal. Basically being the middle man by selling the contracts to rehabbers and real estate investors who purchase houses who then fix and flip the property for even greater profit and etc. bit confusing at first, but when broken down into pieces you will see that it's possible for anyone.

Affiliate Marketing

The rise of the internet has made it possible for people with great ideas and entrepreneurial spirits to come up with new ways of making money. Today, there are more opportunities than ever before, including options that require little-to-no start-up cost. Affiliate marketing is one such opportunity; it allows you to promote products or services online without needing an inventory or any other assets. If someone clicks on your affiliate link, buys something from the merchant's website, and completes their purchase by filling out your lead form - meaning they provide their name and email address - You will receive commission from the sale. In some cases this can be as high as 50% or more.


The e-commerce industry is booming. In 2016, the retail sales on Amazon reached $136 billion and accounted for about 46% of all e-commerce sales. One way to start an online business is by starting your own store on Shopify, an e-commerce platform that allows you to set up your own website and sell products from third party sellers as well as your own inventory. The best part about this type of business is that it's relatively inexpensive and you don't need any professional experience or knowledge. If you have an idea for a product that would be profitable then just create it, produce it and sell it.

Coaching and Mentorship

If you want to become a millionaire in 2023, consider coaching and mentoring for money. You can do this by teaching other people how to create and sell their own product or teach them how to coach others with your skillset or specialty. Coaching requires you to have specific knowledge and expertise about something, so be sure to have that before looking for clients. If you have thats good, but if you don't have that knowledge or expertise yet but still want to coach for money, then consider paying a mentor/coach who can teach you how to coach and mentor others like I pre explained for a fee. Wether the fee be monthly weekly or yearly its a money grab!! Your choice!

Now since I laid out some options the balls in your court! Choose wisely and make a decision, whether you choose one of the opportunities I have shown you or something else of interest to you. Just do the doing and stay consistent. Don't fall into shiny object syndrome and chase everything or every program under the Sun. This will spread you thin. You're better off using less time, less energy, and fewer resources to achieve maximum results. If you want to be a Millionaire then get started as soon as possible on that journey!